HHa llegado al anexo de privacidad de TCS para Uruguay. Para volver al aviso de privacidad general de TCS, haga clic aquí.
Su privacidad es importante para nosotros, por lo que consideramos que es importante que usted sepa qué datos personales nosotros, Tata Consultancy Services ("TCS" o "nosotros"), recopilamos de usted (y de terceros), por qué los recopilamos, cómo los usamos y qué derechos puede tener como sujeto o consumidor de datos.
Tenga en cuenta: toda la información de este aviso de privacidad será aplicable a usted salvo en caso de que se indique lo contrario en función de su estatus de residencia. Para conocer los términos adicionales que pueden serle aplicables en función de su estatus de residencia, consulte las condiciones específicas de su país al final de este aviso. En el presente aviso, el término "datos personales" se utilizará para representar cualquier información relativa a una persona identificada o identificable; las notificaciones específicas de cada país podrán adoptar una terminología diferente.
Lo invitamos que lea este aviso, junto con cualquier información adicional y más específica que le podamos proporcionar en distintas ocasiones cuando recopilamos o procesamos datos personales en los sitios web de TCS, productos o aplicaciones, eventos e iniciativas, de modo que esté al tanto de cómo y con qué propósito procesamos sus datos personales. (Por favor, tenga en cuenta: Emitimos un aviso de privacidad diferente que aplicará cuando exista una relación laboral entre TCS y sus empleados).
Cómo utilizaremos sus datos personales
Podemos recopilar diferentes tipos de datos personales de varias maneras distintas y utilizarlos para distintos propósitos:
Para asegurar el acceso a nuestro sitio web y a los servicios en línea.
En general, podrá visitar TCS.com y sus sitios web afiliados en la World Wide Web sin decirnos quién es usted. Nuestros servidores web o afiliados que proporcionan servicios de análisis y mejora del rendimiento pueden recopilar:
- Direcciones IP,
- detalles del sistema operativo,
- detalles de navegación,
- detalles del dispositivo y de la conectividad, y/o
- ajustes del idioma.
Esta información es agregada para medir el número de visitas, el tiempo promedio de permanencia en el sitio, las páginas visitadas y otra información similar. TCS utiliza esta información para medir el uso del sitio, mejorar el contenido y garantizar la seguridad y la protección, así como mejorar el rendimiento y la experiencia del usuario del sitio web. En pocas situaciones, se requerirá su registro para acceder a un área autentificada del sitio web: en estos casos, también recopilaremos su nombre de usuario y contraseña.
También podemos obtener datos de terceros, entre ellos:
- Las redes sociales, cuando usted nos otorgue permiso para acceder a sus datos de una o más redes a través de nuestro sitio web.
- Proveedores de servicios, que nos ayudan a determinar una ubicación basada en su dirección IP para personalizar las ofertas y el contenido a su ubicación.
- Socios con los que ofrecemos servicios de marca compartida o participamos en actividades de marketing conjuntas.
TCS utiliza cookies (pequeños archivos de texto colocados en su dispositivo) y tecnologías similares para facilitar el buen funcionamiento de nuestros sitios web y para ayudar a recoger datos: por favor lea la política de cookies. Tenga en cuenta que nuestros sitios web pueden incluir enlaces a sitios web de terceros cuyas prácticas de privacidad difieren de las de TCS; si usted proporciona datos personales a cualquiera de esos sitios web, sus datos se regirán por sus declaraciones de privacidad.
Para responder a sus preguntas, apoyo y solicitudes de contacto.
Si se pone en contacto con nosotros con preguntas, solicitudes de más información sobre iniciativas o productos u otras consultas de apoyo genérico, es posible que tengamos que procesar datos personales sobre usted, como por ejemplo:
- datos personales y de contacto, como nombre completo, empresa y función, correo electrónico y dirección,
- datos demográficos,
- calificaciones y profesión, y/o
- el contenido de sus mensajes para nosotros.
Para obtener información sobre la gestión de sus datos de contacto, suscripciones de correo electrónico y comunicaciones promocionales, utilice el formulario de contacto de tcs.com o de los sitios web afiliados en los que haya facilitado sus datos personales.
Suscripciones a nuestras comunicaciones promocionales.
Si se inscribe para recibir comunicaciones de marketing de TCS podemos enviarlas por correo electrónico, correo postal, teléfono o cualquier otro medio de comunicación. Para obtener información sobre la gestión de sus datos de contacto, puede acceder a los datos de contacto proporcionados en el aviso de privacidad del evento o en los correos electrónicos que reciba, o puede utilizar el formulario de contacto en tcs.com o en los sitios web afiliados donde haya proporcionado sus datos personales.
Para administrar los eventos e iniciativas.
TCS organiza con frecuencia eventos e iniciativas, ya sea de forma gratuita o sólo por invitación. En estos casos, la presente nota de privacidad se aplica tanto a los participantes como a los oradores, junto con cualquier otra información complementaria que se proporcione en relación con cada evento. Para permitir que los participantes se unan a los eventos (incluidas las comunicaciones previas y posteriores al evento), se nos exige que recopilemos y procesemos una cantidad limitada de información, como puede ser:
- nombre completo,
- empresa, título del puesto laboral y dirección de correo electrónico de la empresa,
- número de teléfono,
- ubicación, y/o
- fotos y video de usted.
En los casos en que se preste un servicio de hospitalidad, también podremos recopilar, almacenar y procesar "categorías especiales" de datos personales más sensibles (SPI), como los requisitos dietéticos o las discapacidades personales. Esto se hará únicamente y en la medida en que lo permita la ley. Es posible que se graben eventos, por lo que también se pueden recopilar fotografías y vídeos; en tales casos, se le informará mediante un aviso específico en el lugar en que se realizó la grabación. Este material podrá ser utilizado más adelante por TCS para otros fines compatibles, de conformidad con las notificaciones que reciba. Asimismo, durante el transcurso de los eventos, podremos recopilar de parte de usted datos sobre usted, que más tarde podremos utilizar para contactarlo nuevamente a fin de recibir retroalimentación y/o proporcionarle más información comercial sobre TCS; esto se realizará con su consentimiento, siempre que resulte necesario.
También podemos obtener datos de terceros, incluidos los organizadores de eventos de terceros cuando el evento es patrocinado por TCS. Los organizadores podrían proporcionar la lista de asistentes. En tales casos, la declaración de privacidad de esos terceros a los que usted proporciona sus datos personales será aplicable a usted.
Promover la marca, los productos, las iniciativas y los valores de TCS con comunicaciones de marketing.
TCS tiene un fuerte y legítimo interés en promover su marca, productos, iniciativas y valores. Con el fin de promover esos objetivos, procesamos datos personales sobre nuestros contactos comerciales, incluidos los clientes actuales y potenciales de TCS, terceros e intermediarios con los que TCS interactúa en el curso de sus negocios. TCS puede recabar detalles sobre usted, incluyendo el nombre, detalles de contacto y demás información como su puesto de trabajo, empleador, áreas de interés empresarial y otros detalles empresariales. Podemos procesar dichos datos utilizando software o plataformas que nos permitan gestionar las relaciones con nuestros clientes. Recopilamos dichos datos directa o indirectamente de usted o de terceros, como socios comerciales, agentes de datos, redes sociales, empresas de marketing y fuentes de acceso público, como sitios de medios sociales, siempre que sea legal hacerlo. En tales casos, también cumpliremos con cualquier restricción adicional impuesta por la región en la que se recogieron sus datos, así como la fuente de los mismos. TCS también puede recopilar datos de nuestros sistemas de correo electrónico y calendario en relación con las interacciones entre los asociados de TCS y los contactos o terceros.
Sus datos son utilizados por nosotros en parte para administrar, gestionar y desarrollar nuestro negocio y servicios; como la identificación de las necesidades comerciales de los clientes existentes y potenciales, el análisis y la evaluación de la fuerza de nuestras interacciones con ciertos contactos comerciales, la realización de análisis, incluyendo la producción de métricas como mapas de relaciones para nuestro liderazgo comercial y la elaboración de perfiles limitados con el fin de ayudarnos a desarrollar y ofrecer productos y servicios adecuados a los clientes existentes y potenciales. Los análisis pueden ser realizados por nosotros usando algoritmos que nos ayudan a analizar y clasificar las interacciones con usted dependiendo de la frecuencia y duración de la interacción. También podemos enviarle comunicaciones de marketing y encuestas para llevar a cabo estudios de mercado o proporcionarle información sobre nosotros y nuestros servicios que tengamos motivos para creer que le interesaría en su capacidad profesional.
Cuando nos pongamos en contacto con usted, podemos hacerlo a través de diferentes canales, como el correo electrónico, las llamadas telefónicas, el correo postal o cualquier otro medio de comunicación, por ejemplo, a través de sitios de medios sociales como LinkedIn. Sólo enviaremos comunicaciones electrónicas de marketing a contactos comerciales en un contexto de empresa a empresa, cuando tengamos su consentimiento previo o cuando sea legal hacerlo en la jurisdicción en la que se encuentre. Usted puede optar por no recibir dichas comunicaciones en cualquier momento utilizando el formulario de contacto en TCS.COM o en los sitios web afiliados donde usted haya dado sus datos personales, escribiendo a nuestros Responsables de Protección de Datos o al Director de Privacidad (véase la sección más abajo) o por cualquier otro método proporcionado de vez en cuando (por ejemplo: el enlace para cancelar la suscripción incluido en la parte inferior de los correos electrónicos).
De vez en cuando, podemos usar su nombre, citas, fotos o videos para promover y amplificar la marca y las actividades de TCS. En tal caso, usted recibirá la información adicional apropiada sobre el uso de sus datos personales.
Gestionar, administrar y cumplir las obligaciones derivadas de los contratos y reglamentos
En los casos en que TCS tenga una relación contractual con usted (que no sea una relación laboral), su empleador o su empresa, o esté tomando medidas para establecer dicha relación contractual, es posible que necesitemos procesar sus datos personales, normalmente limitados al nombre, los datos de contacto de la empresa y el puesto de trabajo, con el fin de establecer y/o cumplir con las obligaciones derivadas del mismo contrato, como proporcionarle a usted o a su empleador o empresa los servicios que ha solicitado o hacer uso de los servicios que usted o su empleador o empresa nos ofrecen. También procesaremos dichos datos personales para tareas auxiliares relacionadas con nuestras actividades comerciales diarias tales como la contabilidad, la auditoría, la presentación de informes (a los reguladores y las autoridades) y para cumplir con la normativa aplicable.
Si no proporciona cierta información cuando se le solicite, esto podrá retrasar o impedir que administremos un servicio que nos haya solicitado, o que respondamos a sus preguntas y/o le permitamos unirse a nuestras iniciativas.
Sólo utilizaremos sus datos personales para los fines para los que los hemos recogido, a menos que consideremos razonablemente que necesitamos utilizarlos por otra razón que sea compatible con el propósito original y la ley aplicable. Si necesitamos utilizar sus datos personales para un propósito no relacionado, se lo notificaremos y explicaremos la base legal que nos permite hacerlo.
Tenga en cuenta que podemos procesar sus datos personales sin su conocimiento o consentimiento, en cumplimiento de las normas anteriores, cuando la ley lo requiera o lo permita.
Cómo compartiremos sus datos personales
Podemos compartir sus datos con terceros, incluidos los proveedores de servicios y otras entidades del grupo TCS. Tenga en cuenta que TCS no ha vendido en el pasado, ni lo hace en la actualidad, bajo ninguna circunstancia, sus datos personales a ningún tercero. Además, TCS no comparte sus datos personales con terceros para ningún propósito adicional (como se describe a continuación) a menos que sea necesario para cumplir con una obligación legal o un propósito comercial legítimo cuando lo permita la ley.
¿Por qué podría compartir mis datos personales con terceros?
Podemos compartir sus datos personales con terceros cuando la ley lo requiera, cuando sea necesario para una de las actividades mencionadas anteriormente o cuando tengamos otra base legal legítima para hacerlo. Exigimos a los terceros que respeten la seguridad de sus datos y que los traten de acuerdo con la ley. Cuando la ley lo exija, solicitaremos su consentimiento antes de transferir los datos a terceros que no formen parte del grupo de empresas TCS.
¿Qué terceros proveedores de servicios procesan mis datos personales?
El término "terceros" incluye a los proveedores de servicios de terceros (incluidos los contratistas y los agentes designados) y otras entidades de nuestro grupo. Los proveedores de servicios de terceros pueden llevar a cabo las siguientes actividades: alojamiento y otros servicios de Internet, almacenamiento y análisis de datos, investigación de mercado y gestión de campañas, organizadores de eventos y servicios de catering. Todos nuestros proveedores de servicios externos están obligados a tomar las medidas de seguridad adecuadas para proteger sus datos personales de acuerdo con nuestras políticas. No permitimos que nuestros proveedores de servicios externos utilicen sus datos personales para sus propios fines. Sólo les permitimos que procesen sus datos personales para fines específicos y de acuerdo con nuestras instrucciones y la ley aplicable. También es posible que tengamos que compartir sus datos personales con las autoridades reguladoras o que tengamos que cumplir con la ley de alguna otra manera.
¿Cuándo podría compartir mis datos personales con otras entidades del grupo?
Podremos compartir sus datos personales con otras entidades del grupo TCS como parte de nuestras actividades habituales de presentación de informes sobre el desempeño de la empresa, en el contexto de una reorganización empresarial o de un ejercicio de reestructuración del grupo, para el apoyo al mantenimiento del sistema y el alojamiento de datos y cuando resulte necesario para realizar una de las actividades enumeradas anteriormente (véase "Cómo utilizaremos la información sobre usted"). Otras entidades del grupo TCS están obligadas a adoptar las medidas de seguridad adecuadas para proteger sus datos personales de conformidad con nuestras políticas.
Transferencia de sus datos personales fuera de su país de residencia
Podemos transferir los datos personales que recopilamos sobre usted a uno o más países fuera de su país de residencia o fuera del país en el que usted accede a este sitio web, incluida la India, con el fin de realizar una de las actividades enumeradas anteriormente (véase "Cómo utilizaremos la información sobre usted"). - En tales casos, hemos establecido las medidas adecuadas para garantizar que sus datos personales estén seguros de acuerdo con las leyes del país en el que reside. Si necesita más información sobre estas medidas de protección, puede solicitarla a nuestros responsables de la protección de datos (véase contactos más abajo) o enviar un correo electrónico a tcs.cpo@tcs.com.
Cómo mantendremos su información segura
Hemos establecido medidas técnicas, organizativas y de seguridad apropiadas para evitar que sus datos personales se pierdan accidentalmente, se utilicen o se acceda a ellos de forma no autorizada, se alteren o se divulguen. Además, limitamos el acceso a sus datos personales a aquellos empleados, agentes, contratistas y otros terceros que necesiten conocerlos. Sólo procesarán sus datos personales siguiendo nuestras instrucciones y están sujetos a un deber de confidencialidad.
Hemos establecido procedimientos para tratar cualquier sospecha de violación de la seguridad de los datos y le notificaremos a usted y a cualquier regulador aplicable de una sospecha de violación cuando estemos legalmente obligados a hacerlo.
Cuánto tiempo mantendremos su información
Sólo conservaremos sus datos personales durante el tiempo que sea necesario para cumplir con los fines para los que los hemos recopilado, incluyendo el cumplimiento de cualquier requisito legal, contable o de información. Los detalles de los períodos de retención de los diferentes aspectos de sus datos personales están disponibles en nuestra política de retención a petición de nuestros Responsables de Protección de Datos (ver detalles de contacto más abajo). Para determinar el período de retención apropiado para los datos personales, consideramos la cantidad, la naturaleza y la sensibilidad de los datos personales, el riesgo potencial de daño por el uso o la divulgación no autorizados de sus datos personales, los fines para los que procesamos sus datos personales y si podemos lograr esos fines a través de otros medios, así como los requisitos legales aplicables.
En algunas circunstancias, es posible que anonimicemos sus datos personales para que ya no puedan asociarse con usted, en cuyo caso podremos utilizar dicha información sin necesidad de notificárselo.
Cómo contactarnos
Si usted tiene una inquietud, queja o una pregunta sobre este aviso de privacidad, por favor diríjala al Director de Privacidad de los Servicios de Consultoría de Tata en tcs.cpo@tcs.com o póngase en contacto con nosotros a través del formulario "Contáctenos" en tcs.com o sitios web afiliados donde usted proporcionó sus datos personales indicando su preocupación en detalle.
A los efectos de los datos procesados bajo este aviso, el controlador o empresa/proveedor de servicios para el procesamiento de sus datos personales recogidos a través de nuestros sitios web es Tata Consultancy Services Limited, TCS House, 2nd Floor, Raveline Street, Fort Mumbai 400 001, India. Para todos los demás fines indicados anteriormente, el controlador o la empresa/proveedor de servicios es la misma entidad, a menos que se indique lo contrario en otra declaración de privacidad comunicada en cada situación.
Derecho a retirar el consentimiento
En las circunstancias limitadas y con base específica en su país de residencia, cuando haya dado su consentimiento para la reunión, el procesamiento y la transferencia de sus datos personales para un fin específico, podrá tener derecho a retirar su consentimiento para ese procesamiento específico en cualquier momento. Para retirar su consentimiento, póngase en contacto con nuestros responsables de la protección de datos (véanse los contactos más abajo). Una vez que hayamos recibido la notificación de que ha retirado su consentimiento, ya no procesaremos su información para el propósito o los propósitos que originalmente acordó, a menos que tengamos otra base legal para hacerlo.
A continuación encuentre la lista de los funcionarios de protección de datos de la región
Hemos nombrado Oficiales de Protección de Datos (DPOs) para supervisar el cumplimiento del TCS con las leyes de protección de datos aplicables y con este aviso de privacidad. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este aviso de privacidad o sobre cómo manejamos sus datos personales, por favor contacte al DPO de su región:
Oficial de Protección de Datos del Reino Unido e Irlanda | Oficial de Protección de Datos para Europa Continental | Oficial de Protección de Datos de los Estados Unidos | Oficial de Protección de Datos del Canadá | Oficial de protección de datos del Brasil | Oficial de Protección de Datos para LATAM | Oficial de Protección de Datos de la APAC |
DPO.uki@tcs.com | Dpo.Europe@tcs.com | US.Privacy@tcs.com | Canada.Privacy@tcs.com | Dpo.Brasil@tcs.com | DPO.LATAM@tcs.com | Dpo.APAC@tcs.com |
Cambios a este aviso de privacidad
Nos reservamos el derecho de actualizar este aviso de privacidad, en cualquier momento, y le proporcionaremos un nuevo aviso de privacidad en caso de realizar cualquier actualización importante. También podemos notificarle por medios de vez en cuando sobre el procesamiento de sus datos personales.
[Actualizado por última vez el 9 de octubre de 2020]
Para los residentes (sujetos de datos) de la República Oriental del Uruguay (URUGUAY), cuando se recolecta y utilizan datos personales (información) sobre Usted, podemos estar comprendidos dentro de la aplicación de la Ley 18.331 de Protección de Datos Personales, su Decreto Reglamentario No. 414/009 y sujetos a acciones de Habeas Data (en adelante “LA LEY“) de URUGUAY y ser responsables como “responsables de la base de datos“ para tales datos personales.
A continuación, encontrarán las disposiciones específicas adicionales aplicables a Usted, persona fisica o juridica de URUGUAY, incluyendo los derechos sobre sus datos, ya que podrían ser procesados por TCS.
Cómo utilizaremos su información personal
En los casos en que LA LEY sea aplicable a TCS, sólo se nos permitirá procesar sus datos personales sobre la base de ciertos requisitos legales que se describen en la legislación aplicable. Por ello, a continuación, encontrará las bases legales válidas que nos permiten procesar sus datos personales para el cumplimiento de uno de los siguientes propósitos (que se describen más específicamente en nuestro aviso general).
Asegurar el acceso a nuestro sitio web y servicios en línea
En virtud de LA LEY, el fundamento jurídico de este procesamiento es nuestro interés legítimo de permitir y mejorar nuestro sitio web y servicios en línea y el consentimiento cuando este se sea necesario y solicite y se obtenga.
Para responder a sus preguntas, apoyo y solicitudes de contacto
En virtud de LA LEY, el fundamento jurídico de este procesamiento puede ser para el cumplimiento de un contrato con Usted o para tomar medidas a petición suya antes de celebrar un contrato con Usted, o para nuestros intereses legítimos de comportarnos como una organización responsable en el tratamiento de estos asuntos, y el consentimiento, cuando este sea necesario, se solicite y se obtenga.
Suscripciones a nuestras comunicaciones promocionales
En virtud de LA LEY, el fundamento jurídico para este procesamiento es el consentimiento, cuando se solicita y se obtenga.
Para administrar eventos y actividades
En virtud de LA LEY, el fundamento jurídico para este procesamiento es nuestro legítimo interés en organizar y llevar a cabo tales eventos y el consentimiento, cuando este se solicite y se obtenga.
Para administrar, asesorar y cumplir las obligaciones de los contratos y reglamentos
En virtud de LA LEY y dependiendo de la actividad de procesamiento, el fundamento jurídico de este procesamiento puede ser para la ejecución de un contrato con Usted o para tomar medidas a petición suya antes de celebrar un contrato con Usted, nuestro interés legítimo en la prestación de servicios a su empresa o su empleador, o la obligación legal.
Para promover la marca, los productos, las iniciativas y los valores de TCS con comunicaciones de marketing
En virtud de LA LEY, el fundamento jurídico de este procesamiento son los intereses legítimos de TCS en la promoción de su marca, productos, iniciativas y valores, y el consentimiento para las comunicaciones de marketing.
Transferencia de información del titular de datos fuera de URUGUAY para LA LEY
Podremos transferir los datos personales que reunamos sobre Usted a uno o más países fuera de URUGUAY, incluida la India, a fin de realizar una de las actividades enumeradas anteriormente (véase "Cómo utilizaremos su información personal"). En los casos en que las autoridades uruguayas no hayan tomado una decisión sobre adecuación respecto a esos países -lo que significa que se considera que éstos no proporcionan un nivel de protección adecuado para sus datos personales- hemos establecido las medidas apropiadas para garantizar que sus datos personales estén seguros. Estas medidas incluyen Acuerdos de Transferencia de Datos basados en la LA LEY, incluyendo la autorización del Regulador. Si necesita más información sobre estas medidas de protección, puede solicitarla a nuestros responsables de protección de datos (véase contactos más abajo).
Su deber de informarnos los cambios
Es importante que los datos personales que tenemos sobre Usted sean exactos y actuales. Por favor, manténganos informados si sus datos personales cambian durante su relación con nosotros.
Sus derechos en relación con los datos personales
En determinadas circunstancias, la ley le otorga el derecho a:
- Solicitar el acceso a sus datos personales (comúnmente conocido como "solicitud de acceso "). Esto le permite tener un acceso fácil y gratuito a los datos personales que tenemos sobre Usted.
- Solicitar la actualización o recttifiación de los datos personales que tenemos sobre Usted. Esto le permite solicitar que se corrija cualquier información incompleta, imprecisa o desactualizada que tengamos sobre Usted.
- Solicitar la supresión de sus datos personales. Esto le permite solicitarnos la eliminación o supresión de datos personales cuando no exista una base legal para que continuemos procesándolos.
- Oponerse al procesamiento de sus datos personales, ejercidiendo del derecho de retiro o bloqueo de la base de datos, cuando estamos procesando sus datos personales con fines de marketing o publicidad.
- Estar informado de con qué público o privado se comparten sus datos personales.
- Conocer la posibilidad de dar su consentimiento para el tratamiento de sus datos personales y las consecuencias de su denegación.
- Revisar la toma de decisiones exclusivamente en forma automatizada: El derecho a impugnar una decisión basada exclusivamente en un tratamiento automatizado que afecte a sus intereses. En ese caso, tendrá derecho a obtener información del responsable de la base de datos sobre los criterios de valoración y el programa utilizado en el tratamiento que sirvió para adoptar la decisión manifestada en el acto.
Qué podremos necesitar de Usted
Si Usted ejerce uno de los derechos mencionados, es posible que tengamos que solicitarle información específica para ayudarnos a confirmar su identidad y que Usted tiene derecho a realizar dicha solicitud. Esto es para asegurar que los datos personales no se revelen a ninguna persona que no tenga derecho a recibirlos.
Oficial de Protección de Datos
Hemos nombrado Oficiales de Protección de Datos (OPD) para supervisar el cumplimiento de TCS con las leyes de protección de datos aplicables y con este aviso de privacidad. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este aviso de privacidad o sobre cómo manejamos sus datos personales, por favor contacte al OPD de su región:
Oficial de Protección de datos para LATAM
dpo.latam@tcs.comOficial de Protección de datos para URUGUAY

Terms of Use
These terms of use (“Terms”) is an agreement (the “Agreement”) between You (“You” or “Your” or “User”) and Tata Consultancy Services Limited (“TCS” or “we” or “us”) and govern Your access/use of TCS BaNCS Marketplace website marketplace.tcsbancs.comOpen in new window (the “Site”) and its content including online Application Programming Interface (“API”) services (“Services” or “API Services”). By using our Site and the Services, you agree to be bound by the Terms of this Agreement.
If You are registering and/or accessing or using the Site and/or the API Services on behalf of an organization/entity, You represent, You are agreeing to these terms and conditions on behalf of Your organization/entity, and You represent and warrant that You have legal authority to bind Your organization/entity to the terms of this Agreement. In that case, "You", "Your" or “User” also refers to that organization/entity.
If You do not agree with any of these Terms, You must not use or access the Site or the API Services in any way, or register as a User or check and/or click “I Agree” or any similar box or button associated with this Agreement.
You hereby waive any applicable rights to require an original (non-electronic) signature or delivery or retention of non-electronic records, to the extent not prohibited under applicable law. This document is an electronic record as per the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules there under. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures. This document is published in accordance with the provisions of Rule 3(1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011 for Your access or usage of Site and the Services to the extent third party API’s are provided on the Site.
This Site and the information, tools, and material contained in it and any services provided through it are not directed to, or intended for distribution to or use by, any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of or located in any jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to law or regulation or which would subject Tata Consultancy Services Limited or its affiliates (collectively “TCS”) to any registration or licensing requirement within such jurisdiction.
Services Description
The Site is an online platform for providing API Services to Users who may: (a) use one or more API package(s), including but not limited to classes, methods, declaring codes and implementing codes or any other feature of the APIs to build certain functions into their own programs by accessing the desired APIs in a sandbox environment only; or (b) request TCS to publish/share/upload/submit their own API packages and sandbox environment to publish the same on the Site, in the format and manner prescribed by TCS (hereinafter referred to as “User Content” or “Your Content”) for use by others, as per the Terms of this Agreement.
The Site also provides You with opportunity to partner with other existing Users and avail the Services as per Your business needs and as per the Terms of this Agreement.
This Site is only a platform that can be utilized by Users who are engaged in the business of software development /testing/programming/analysis/etc. and we are merely acting as an intermediary. TCS BaNCS attempts to be as accurate as possible, however, TCS BaNCS does not warrant that descriptions of or other content (including User Content) of this Site is accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free.
The Site requires You to request TCS BaNCS to publish/share/upload/submit Your Content and TCS BaNCS may in its sole discretion publish/share/upload Your Content on the Site., Your request or submission to publish/share/upload/submit Your Content or this Site does not provide any confidentiality to Your Content and is made available to other Users of the Site. TCS BaNCS reserves the right in its sole discretion (but without any obligation) and without further notice to You, to monitor, censor, edit, delete, and/or remove any and all User Content or Your Content posted on the Site at any time and for any reason.
TCS BaNCS may publish/share/upload/submit APIs of its own software assets on the Site, then role/function of TCS as an intermediary will not be applicable, however terms and conditions of this Agreement which apply to use of API Services, shall continue to apply to use of such API’s owned and published by TCS BaNCS.
TCS BaNCS shall use reasonable efforts to make available the Services to You except for any interruption in the Services due to causes beyond the control of TCS.
TCS BaNCS may, in its sole discretion, suspend or restrict access to all or any portion of the Site and/or the Services to (i) prevent damages to, or degradation of, the Site and/or Services; (ii) comply with any law, regulation, court order, or other governmental request; (iii) otherwise protect TCS BaNCS from potential legal liability; or (iv) address a breach of this Agreement (v) repair, maintain, or the introduce new facilities or at any time. TCS BaNCS shall use reasonable efforts to provide You with notice prior to or promptly following any suspension of the Site and/or Services or any portion of it. TCS BaNCS will endeavor to restore access to the Site and/or Services as soon as the event giving rise to suspension has been resolved.
Use Terms
In general, You can visit the Site without telling us who you are or revealing any information about Yourself, however, if You intend to avail any Services, You will have to register Yourself by creating a TCS BaNCS marketplace account (“Account”) and providing your personal information which will be governed by our Privacy Notice (https://marketplace.tcsbancs.com/legalinformation#data_policy). You agree and consent to use of Your personal information by TCS BaNCS for the purpose of creating an Account in Your name, authenticating You or otherwise contacting You and identifying You as a User and rendering Services to You. You agree to create an Account only for your access/use of the API Services. When You create Your Account, You must provide us with accurate and complete information, and You agree to update your information from time to time to keep it accurate and complete. You will be solely responsible for all activities that occur in Your Account. You agree to keep Your Account secure and in case of any breach of Your Account security or unauthorized access/use, You will immediately notify to TCS by sending an e-mail communication at bancsmarketplace.support@tcs.com. On receipt of such notification, Your Account will be suspended/deactivated by TCS BaNCS until You send a request for re-activation of Your Account.
In case You wish to delete Your Account You agree to send an email communication to TCS BaNCS at bancsmarketplace.support@tcs.com, accordingly, TCS BaNCS will delete Your Account. However, Your Content (if any) shall not be removed from display on and access from the Site unless You send a request to TCS BaNCS at the above mentioned email address for such removal and it is reasonably possible for TCS BaNCS to remove all Your Content e.g. Your Content under Interactive Services as defined hereunder may not be removed.
In case You wish to remove or modify any of Your Content without deleting Your Account, then You agree to send a request to TCS BaNCS at the above mentioned email address for such removal or modification. Accordingly, TCS BaNCS will remove or modify from display Your Content from the Site. TCS BaNCS may not entertain more than 10 requests to remove or modify Your Content in a calendar year. Any further such requests may be chargeable.
By requesting TCS BaNCS to submit/share/upload/publish Your Content on the Site, You hereby grant TCS BaNCS a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sub-licensable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, translate, adapt, modify, prepare derivative works, display, publish and perform the Your Content in connection with the Site. You also hereby grant each User of the Site worldwide, non-exclusive and royalty-free right to use, reproduce, translate, adapt, modify, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display and perform Your Content in the sandbox environment on the Site, to build certain functions into their own programs all in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. You specifically agree that TCS BaNCS shall not be responsible or liable for any unauthorized access to or alteration or misuse or infringement of Your Content published on the Site and/or in the use of the Services.
In consideration of Your acceptance of the Terms of this Agreement, TCS BaNCS grants You a personal, limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and revocable rights to access and use the Site and its Services.
In order to use the API Services, You may be required to install service applications/browser extensions/IDEs provided by TCS BaNCS or any third party. Once on-boarded on this Site, You may use the API Services. If the use of any API directs you to API provider’s website, then use of such APIs shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the provider of the APIs. Your right to use API Services is limited to five hundred (500) API calls per day (24 hours).
Presently the use of Site and/or the Services is at no cost to You, however, TCS BaNCS may in future charge fees for the Services as may be set out in the Site from time to time. In the latter case, TCS BaNCS reserves the right to suspend access to the Services in the event of the non-payment of a valid and due invoice. Fees due under this Agreement shall be exclusive, of applicable taxes.
Your Representations and Warranties
You make the following representations and warranties:
You have good and sufficient title in the Your Content and in every part thereof to enable You to enter into this Agreement and grant the rights and licenses as provided herein to TCS BaNCS and other Customers;
All rights in or to the Your Content or any other material or information furnished or provided by You in the performance of this Agreement are proprietary to You or used under appropriate license with appropriate authority;
You have obtained prior written permission/license from co-developer or co-owner or co-author of any of Your Content which is jointly developed by You and any third party;
You have obtained any and all third party licenses and consents (including the right to sub-license the same to TCS BaNCS and other Users of this Site and the Services) necessary to enable TCS BaNCS and other Users to use third party software comprised within Your Content without additional licenses or permission to be taken by TCS BaNCS or other Users of the Site and/or the Services from any such third party;
Any material or information furnished or provided by You will not infringe or misappropriate the patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights or proprietary rights of any third party;
You shall not use or permit to be used the Site and the API Services provided for any illegal or unlawful purpose;
The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement of access/use by You does not and will not conflict with, or constitute a breach or default under any agreement, contract, commitment or instrument to which You are a party;
Your Content has been produced and distributed with strict procedures and best industry practices to protect them against viruses, malware, Trojans or other malicious code (“Virus”). If TCS BaNCS identifies that a virus exists in Your Content, TCS BaNCS may notify You and upon such notification You shall remove the virus from the Your Content. You further warrants that You shall not introduce any malicious code or bugs or worms or Trojan horse or malware or such other code or disabling code into Your Content, the Site and/or the API Services or into the network or system of TCS BaNCS or its affiliates. Your understand that TCS BaNCS will not be able to provide any services for such Virus infected Your Content;
There is no action or proceeding pending or, in so far as it is known or ought to known, threatened in writing against You before any court, administrative agency or other tribunal that could impact upon Your right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement, to grant the rights and licenses granted by You to TCS BaNCS and other Users of this Site and/or the Services, or to otherwise carry out Your obligations hereunder; or might have a material adverse effect on Your business or condition, financial or otherwise that would materially impact Your ability to perform under this Agreement.
Your Obligation
In particular, and without limitation, You represents, warrants and covenants that You shall NOT and shall not permit others, directly or indirectly, to host, display, upload, modify, publish, transmit, update or share any information that —
- is grossly harmful, harms minors in any way harassing, blasphemous defamatory, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic, libellous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, relating or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatever;
- deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of such messages or communicates any information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature;
- impersonate another person;
- threatens the unity, integrity, defense, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign states, or public order or causes incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting any other nation
Also, You shall NOT and shall not permit others to:
- reverse engineer, disassemble, de-compile, tamper, recreate, the Site, its content and the Services or any part thereof unless expressly permitted;
- remove, alter, obscure or otherwise render illegible any of TCS, its affiliates, their respective licensors or other User’s logo, trademark, copyright notice or other proprietary or confidentiality markings that may be placed on the User Content or any component or output thereof;
- override access authorization and access controls for Your access and Use of the Site, its content and/or the Services as may be prescribed by TCS or circumvent, bypass, delete or remove any form of protection, or usage, functionality or technical restrictions or limitations, or to enable functionality disabled by TCS or its third party service providers, in connection with the Services;
- use the access rights granted herein to gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to other computer systems accessible via the internet, any portion of the Site or Services for which You have not been expressly authorized to use pursuant to this Agreement, or Customer Content or computer systems belonging to others which is also hosted by TCS;
- interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of the Site or any Services or data, device, account, network or services environment;
- perform or disclose any security testing, including without limitation, penetration testing, remote access testing, network discovery, vulnerability scanning, password cracking, etc., of the Site or the Services without TCS’ prior written consent;
- use any public software or open source software in connection with the Services in any manner that requires, pursuant to the license applicable to such public or open source software, that the software be disclosed or distributed in source code form, or made available free of charge to recipients, or modifiable without any restriction by recipients;
- issue any press release or make any other public communication with respect to this Agreement or Your use of the Services without TCS’ prior written consent.
- use the sandbox or API Services in the production environment
You agree to assist TCS in relation to any investigation and remedy of any claim, allegation, action, suit, proceeding or litigation with respect to alleged unauthorized access and use of the Site and its services / content.
Intellectual Property Rights
TCS is the sole and exclusive owner of the Site. All contents included on this Site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, data compilations, software including all compilations are the intellectual property of TCS or its affiliates or their respective licensors and are protected by national and international copyright laws or other intellectual property laws. TCS only authorizes non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, limited right to use Site and the Services only for personal, non-commercial use in accordance with the Terms of this Agreement.
TATA Consultancy Services, the TCS logo, TCS, TCS BaNCS Marketplace, other marks of TCS and domain name indicated on our Site are trademarks of TCS and its affiliates.
You acknowledge and agree that all the content listed on the Site may be protected under the copyright laws and accordingly, You shall be responsible for procuring appropriate licenses from third party and complying with the applicable terms and conditions of those third parties for using their User Content which are not licensed to You for use hereunder.
Your Content may include Your logo/ mark/ device/ brand/ heading/ label/ ticket/ name/ signature/ word/ letter/ numeral/etc. (“Brands”) which may be protected under the trademark and copyright laws and TCS claims no ownership over such Brands. You hereby grant to TCS worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sub-licensable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute and display the Brands in the Site.
At no time, TCS claims any kind of ownership including any right, title or interest on the Your Content except for the rights and licenses granted to TCS hereunder.
Interactive Services/Features
The Site may provide certain features enabling You to give Your input, feedback, queries and/or share and/or connect to TCS BaNCS Marketplace team or other users of the Site, including but not limited to by way of chat rooms, chatbots, message board facilities, news/events, trivia, polls, upload videos, milestones, quiz, video gallery and/or other similar features, etc. (“Interactive Services”). TCS shall have the right, but not any obligation, to monitor Your use of the Interactive Services, and moderate, edit, delete, remove, un-publish, publish, refuse to post/publish or use any of Your Content provided through such Interactive Services, such as communication, views, opinion, comments, ideas, documents, contents, submissions, articles, data (including personally identifiable data), text, images, posts, analysis, statistics, information, videos or photographs, etc. expressed/input/uploaded by You on or using the Site, without any further permissions or approval from You, and covenant that this will not violate your privacy rights. You agree that no remuneration or other consideration will be paid with respect to Your Content or participation in any activity on or through the Site and/or its Services. Further, You agree and acknowledged that as a user of the Site, You may be visible to other users of the Site with whom You may connect or who may connect with You using Interactive Services. Please be careful about what information, including personal information, You disclose in this way.
Such Interactive Services are provided on ‘AS IS’ and ‘AS AVAILABLE’ basis. TCS expressly excludes its liability for any and all loss or damage or injury arising from the use of any Interactive Service by You or any other person in contravention of these Terms, whether the service is moderated or not.
Third Party Content and Websites
Through the use of the Site, You may access any third party content (including API’s) or content services from a third party or services provided or made available by or through a third party website, the accuracy or completeness of the materials or the reliability of the website or any advice, opinion, statement, reports, analysis, statistics or other information (collectively the “TP Content”) displayed or distributed or sold through it or otherwise made available or based on the TP Content or website, is not warranted by TCS. TCS is providing the TP Content, or link to the third party websites, if any, only for informational purpose only as an additional resource for convenience and does not provide an endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation to such TP Content, products, services or third party websites. You acknowledge and agree that the access to TP Content or such websites is governed by the terms and conditions of such third party and You undertake to abide by the same. In case any TP Content causes infringement issues, violation of copyright or anything objectionable You may accordingly coordinate with the respective content originator for the same.
You acknowledge that reliance on any TP Content, product or services made available through the use of the Site, suitability for any contemplated use, manner of use and whether any intellectual property rights are infringed shall be at Your own discretion, evaluation, risk and consequences. In particular, TCS does not accept any liability arising out of, or in relation to, any TP Content or website, including without limitation, any allegation relating to TP Content accessed or purchased through the third party website, or that any TP Content infringes the intellectual property rights of any person. The aggrieved person should approach the respective source/entity if they wish to avail any legal remedy under the law. TCS should not be made party to such claims/litigation filed by the aggrieved person. TCS shall not be liable and takes no responsibility for non-compliance by the third party to take remedial actions as requested by You.
In order to render you the Services, we may collect or obtain your personal information and use of such personal information shall be governed in accordance with our privacy notice which is available at https://marketplace.tcsbancs.com/legalinformation#data_policy. You agree that we may use personal information that you provide or make available to us in accordance with the Privacy Notice.
Grievance Officer
In accordance with the Information Technology Act 2000 and rules made there under, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer are provided below who will redress your complaints pertaining to violation of rule 3 of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011:
Name: M Basavaraj
Grievance Officer- TCS BaNCS Marketplace,
TATA Consultancy Services Limited
e-mail: bancsmarketplace.support@tcs.com
contact: +91-80-67253401
timings: 09:30 to 17:30
You may send Grievance Officer a notice through email with the information mentioning the disputed matter/issue in detail supported with the following documents/information:
- Document explaining the complained or disputed matter/issue or grievance in detail.
- Ownership/licensee documents, where applicable.
- Specific location, screenshot or URL of the App or Service where the complained or disputed matter/issue is located.
- Your complete mailing address with pincode/zip code, telephone number, and email address.
- Declaration stating that the disputed use is/was not authorized by the owner, its agent, or by the law, in case of violation of intellectual property rights.
- Letter stating that the claim made by You is under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and have acted in lawful manner with respect to the complained matter or disputed issue; and as an owner or authorized to act on the owner’s behalf in case of violation of intellectual property rights.
Upon receiving of the notice/complaint in the format as requested above, TCS shall evaluate the details, facts and evidences to take further action if required which is appropriate in its sole discretion. You covenant to provide any further information or documents which TCS may reasonably request in order to redress your complaint. If the disputed issue/matter is other than the Terms of this Agreement, then TCS shall not be liable and takes no responsibility for any action or non-compliance to take remedial actions.
For Take-Down Notices relating to Storage of Transient or Incidental Copies of Work under Indian Copyright Act and Rules:
Under the Indian Copyright Rules, 2013 (Rule 75), TCS will accept the notice in writing under section 52(1)(c) in the format as prescribed in Rule 75 sub rule 2. On receipt of the written complaint, TCS if satisfied with the details provided in the complaint shall take measures to refrain from facilitating access for a period of 21 (twenty one) days or till TCS receives an order from the competent court refraining the access, whichever is earlier. In the event no such order is received before the expiry of twenty-one days, TCS may restore access to such content or matter.
You agree to indemnify TCS for all claims brought by a third party against TCS arising out of or in connection with the submission of the notice/complaint.
No Liability
You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless TCS and its Related Parties from any and all claims, liabilities, expenses, and damages, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, made by any third party related to: (a) Your use of the Site or your use or attempted use of the Services in violation of these Terms; (b) Your violation of any law; (c) Your violation of your obligations or representations and warranties; and (d) Your violation of rights of any third party including without limitation any claim of infringement or misappropriation of intellectual property or other proprietary rights.
Term and Termination
Denial Of Access And Termination Of Usage Rights
In case of non-compliance with the Terms of this Agreement or any rules and regulations for access or usage of the Site or the Services, TCS shall have the right to immediately terminate the Your access or usage rights and may remove any noncompliant information.
These Terms are effective until terminated by TCS or You. TCS, in its sole discretion, has the right to terminate these Terms and/or your access to the Site, or any part thereof, immediately at any time and with or without cause (including, without any limitation, for a breach of these Terms). TCS shall not be liable to You or any third party for suspension or termination of the Site, the Services, or any part thereof. If you object to any term or condition of these Terms, or any subsequent modifications thereto, or become dissatisfied with the Site and/or the Services in any way, your only recourse is to immediately discontinue use of the Site and the Services. These Terms stand automatically terminated in case the Site or a Service stops functioning permanently or TCS decides to bring down the Site or a Service for any reason whatsoever or TCS decides to discontinue rendering Services or TCS ceases to exist under the provisions of the Companies Act or due to operation of law TCS is not allowed to render any Services under the Agreement or for any other unforeseeable and/or unavoidable circumstances. Upon termination of these Terms, you shall cease all use of the Site. Termination of this Agreement will not affect or prejudice any rights of TCS, accruing up to and including, the date of termination, under those provisions of this Agreement which, by their nature, survive termination.
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India.
All disputes or differences whatsoever arising out of or in relation to the construction, meaning and operation or effect of these Terms or breach thereof, shall be subject matter of arbitration under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 and any subsequent amendments related thereto, unless settled amicably between You and TCS, be referred to arbitration and such arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of arbitration of the Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry ("BCCI"), which rules, as modified from time to time, are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause (the “Arbitration Rules”) by an arbitration panel comprising of a sole arbitrator.
The arbitration panel as referred to above shall be appointed by the BCCI. The arbitration panel shall deliver the award in the arbitration proceedings within three (3) months from reference of any dispute to arbitration. The venue of arbitration shall be Mumbai, India and the award passed by the arbitration panel shall be final and binding upon You and TCS.
These terms and conditions form a legally binding agreement between You and TCS and are the entire agreement between You and TCS regarding access and use of the Site and the Services and supersede any prior or contemporaneous, conflicting or additional understandings or agreements or communications (written or oral). Failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right or remedy under these Terms or law by TCS will not constitute a waiver of rights or remedy nor shall it prevent exercising that right or remedy in whole or in part in future. If any provision of this Agreement is found by a proper authority to be unenforceable or invalid, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement and the unenforceable or invalid provision shall be construed to be amended in order to avoid such unenforceability or invalidity while preserving as closely as possible the intent of the parties. This Agreement shall not be construed as a teaming agreement, joint venture, partnership or other business relationship. This Agreement may be assigned by TCS without restriction or notification to You.
Privacy Notice
Your privacy is important to us and we believe it is important for you to know what personal data we, Tata Consultancy Services (“TCS” or “we”), collect from you (and third parties), why we collect it, how we use it and what rights you might be entitled to as a data subject or consumer.
Please note: All information in this privacy notice is applicable to you unless otherwise indicated based on your residency status. For the additional terms which may be applicable to you based on your residency status, please refer to your country-specific terms at the end of this notice. In this notice, term “personal data” is used to represent any information relating to an identified or identifiable person; country-specific notices might adopt a different terminology.
We encourage you to read this notice, together with any additional and more specific information we may provide to you on various occasions when we are collecting or processing personal data on TCS websites, products or applications, events and initiatives so that you are aware of how and the purpose for which we are processing your personal data.(Please note: We issue a different privacy notice which applies where there is an employment relationship between TCS and its employees.)
How we will use your personal data
We may collect different kinds of personal data in several different ways and use it for a number of different purposes:
To ensure access to our website and online services.
In general, you can visit TCS.com and its affiliate websites on the World Wide Web without telling us who you are. Our web servers or Affiliates who provide analytics and performance enhancement services may collect:
- IP addresses,
- operating system details,
- browsing details,
- device and connectivity details, and/or
- language settings.
This information is aggregated to measure the number of visits, average time spent on the site, pages viewed and similar information. TCS uses this information to measure the site usage, improve content and to ensure safety and security as well as enhance performance and user experience of the website. In few situations, you are required to register to access an authenticated area of the website: in these cases, we will also collect your username and password.
We may also obtain data from third parties including:
- Social networks, when you grant permission to us to access your data on one or more networks through our website.
- Service providers, who help us to determine a location based on your IP address in order to customize offerings and content to your location.
- Partners with whom we offer co-branded services or engage in joint marketing activities.
TCS uses cookies (small text files placed on your device) and similar technologies to facilitate proper functioning of our websites and to help collect data: please read here our full cookie policy. Please note that our websites may include links to websites of third parties whose privacy practices differ from those of TCS; if you provide personal data to any of those websites, your data is governed by their privacy statements.
To answer your queries, support and contact requests.
If you contact us with queries, requests for more information about initiatives or products or other generic support inquiries, we may need to process personal data about you such as:
- personal and contact details, like full name, company and role, email address,
- demographic data,
- qualifications and profession, and/or
- the content of your messages to us.
For information about managing your contact data, email subscriptions and promotional communications, please use the contact us form on the tcs.com or affiliate websites where you had given your Personal data.
Subscriptions to our promotional communications.
If you sign up to receive marketing communications from TCS we may send these by email, post, telephone or any other means of communication. For information about managing your contact data, you may reach out to the contact details provided in the event privacy notice or in the emails you receive, or you may use the contact us form on the tcs.com or affiliate websites where you had given your Personal data.
To administer events and activities.
TCS frequently organizes events and initiatives, either free to join or by invitation only; in these cases, this privacy notice applies to both participants and speakers, together with any other supplementary information that is provided in relation with each event. To allow participants to join the events (including communications pre and post event), we are required to collect and process a limited amount of information, such as:
- full name,
- company, job title and business email address,
- telephone number,
- location, and/or
- pictures and video of you.
Where a hospitality service is provided, we may also collect, store and process “special categories” of more sensitive personal data (SPI), such as dietary requirements or personal disabilities. This will be done only and to the extent permitted by law. Events might be recorded, hence pictures and videos may be collected too; in such cases, you may be informed via a specific notice at the location of recording. This material may be used later by TCS for further compatible purposes in accordance with the notices you receive. Also, during the course of the events, we may collect from you data about yourself, which we later may use to contact you again in order to receive feedback and/or provide further commercial information about TCS; this may be done with your consent, wherever necessary.
We may also obtain data from third parties including third party event organizers where the event is sponsored by TCS. Organizers might provide the attendee list. In such cases, the privacy statement of those third parties to whom you provide your personal data will apply to you.
To promote the TCS brand, products, initiatives and values with marketing communications.
TCS has a strong legitimate interest in promoting its brand, products, initiatives and values. In order to further such goals, we process personal data about our business contacts including existing and potential TCS clients, third parties and intermediaries TCS interacts with in the course of doing business. TCS may collect details about you including name, contact details and other information such as your job title, employer, areas of business interest and other business details. We may process such data using software or platforms which allow us to manage our client relationships. We collect such data directly or indirectly from you, or from third parties, such as business partners, data brokers, social networks, marketing companies, and publicly available sources such as social media sites where lawful to do so. In such cases, we will also comply with any additional restrictions imposed by the region in which your data was collected as well as the source of the data. TCS may also collect data from our email and calendar systems concerning interactions between TCS associates and contacts or third parties.
Your data is used by us in part for administering, managing and developing our business and services; such as identifying existing and potential client business needs, analysing and evaluating the strength of our interactions with certain business contacts, performing analytics including to produce metrics such as relationship maps for our business leadership and limited profiling for the purposes of helping us to develop and offer appropriate products and services to existing and potential clients. Analytics may be performed by us using algorithms which help us analyze and rank interactions with you depending on interaction frequency and duration. We may also send you marketing communications and surveys to carry out market research or provide information to you about us and our services which we have reason to believe would be of interest to you in your professional capacity.
When reaching out to you, we may do so through different channels, such as email, phone calls, post or any other means of communication such as through social media sites such as LinkedIn. We will only send electronic marketing communications to business contacts in a business-to-business context, where we have your prior consent or where it is otherwise lawful to do so in the jurisdiction you are located in. You can opt-out from receiving such communications at any time using the contact us form on TCS.COM or affiliate websites where you had given your personal data, writing to our Data Protection Officers or Chief Privacy Officer (see section below) or by any other given method provided from time to time (for example: unsubscribe link included at the bottom of emails).
From time to time, we may use your name, quotes, pictures or videos to promote and amplify TCS’ brand and activities. In any such case, you will receive appropriate additional information about the usage of your personal data.
To manage, administer and fulfill the obligations under contracts, and regulations
Where TCS is in a contractual relationship with you (other than an employment relationship), your employer or your company, or is taking steps to enter into such a contractual relationship, we may need to process your personal data, usually limited to name, business contact details and job title in order to enter into and/or fulfill the obligations arising from the same contract, such as providing you or your employer or company with the services you have requested or make use of the services that you or your employer or company are offering to us. We will also process such personal data for ancillary tasks related to our daily business activities, such as accounting, auditing, reporting (to regulators and authorities) and to comply with applicable regulations.
If you do not provide certain information when requested, it may delay or prevent us from administering a service you have requested from us, or in replying to your queries and/or in letting you join our initiatives.
We will only use your personal data for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason that is compatible with the original purpose and applicable law. If we need to use your personal data for an unrelated purpose, we will notify you and we will explain the legal basis which allows us to do so.
Please note that we may process your personal data without your knowledge or consent, in compliance with the above rules, where this is required or permitted by law.
How we will share your personal information
We may share your data with third parties, including third-party service providers and other entities in the TCS group. Please note, TCS has not in the past, nor does it currently, under any circumstances sell your personal data to any third party. Further, TCS does not share your personal data with third parties for any additional purpose (as outlined below) unless required to fulfill a legal obligation or a legitimate business purpose where permitted by law.
Why might you share my personal data with third parties?
We may share your personal data with third parties where required by law, where it is necessary for one of the activities mentioned above or where we have another legitimate legal basis in doing so. We require third parties to respect the security of your data and to treat it in accordance with the law. Where required by the law, we will request your consent before transferring data to third parties which are not part of the TCS group of companies.
Which third-party service providers process my personal data?
”Third parties” includes third-party service providers (including contractors and designated agents) and other entities within our group. The following activities may be carried out by third-party service providers: hosting and other internet services, data storage and analytics, marketing research and campaign management, event organizers and caterers. All our third-party service providers are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data in line with our policies. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes. We only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions and applicable law. We may also need to share your personal data with regulators or to otherwise comply with the law.
When might you share my personal data with other entities in the group?
We may share your personal data with other entities in the TCS group as part of our regular reporting activities on company performance, in the context of a business reorganization or group restructuring exercise, for system maintenance support and hosting of data and when it is required to do so in order to perform one of the activities listed above (see "How we will use information about you"). Other entities in the TCS group are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data in line with our policies.
Transferring your personal data outside of your country of residence
We may transfer the personal data we collect about you to one of more countries outside of your country of residence or outside of the country in which you access this website, including India, in order to perform one of the activities listed above (see "How we will use information about you"). – In such cases, we have put in place the appropriate measures to ensure that your personal data will be secure according to the laws of the country in which you reside. If you require further information about these protective measures, you can request it from our Data Protection Officers (see contacts below) or send an email to tcs.cpo@tcs.com.
How we will keep your information safe
We have put in place appropriate technical, organizational and security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.
We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected data security breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected breach where we are legally required to do so.
How long we will keep your information
We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. Details of retention periods for different aspects of your personal data are available in our retention policy upon request from our Data Protection Officers (see contact details below). To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.
In some circumstances we may anonymize your personal data so that it can no longer be associated with you, in which case we may use such information without further notice to you.
How to contact us
If you have a privacy concern, complaint or a question regarding this privacy statement, please direct it to the Chief Privacy Officer of Tata Consultancy Services at tcs.cpo@tcs.com or contact us through the "Contact us" form on tcs.com or affiliate websites where you provided your Personal data indicating your concern in detail.
For the purposes of the data processed under this statement, the controller or business/service provider for the data processing of your personal data collected through our websites is Tata Consultancy Services Limited, TCS House, 2nd Floor, Raveline Street, Fort Mumbai 400 001, India. For all the other purposes indicated above, the controller or business/service provider is the same entity unless indicated otherwise in other privacy statement communicated in each situation.
Right to withdraw consent
In the limited circumstances and based on your country of residence; where you may have provided your consent to the collection, processing and transfer of your personal data for a specific purpose, you may have the right to withdraw your consent for that specific processing at any time. To withdraw your consent, please contact our Data Protection Officers (see contacts below). Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your information for the purpose or purposes you originally agreed to, unless we have another legal basis for doing so.
Please find below the list of region wise Data Protection Officers
We have appointed Data Protection Officers (DPOs) to oversee compliance of TCS with applicable data protection laws and with this privacy notice. If you have any questions about this privacy notice or how we handle your personal data, please contact the DPO in your region:
Data Protection Officer for UK and Ireland | Data Protection Officer for Canada | Data Protection Officer for Continental Europe | Data Protection Officer for the United States | Data Protection officer for Brazil | Data Protection Officer for LATAM | Data Protection Officer for APAC | Data Protection officer for South Africa |
DPO.uki@tcs.com | Canada.Privacy@tcs.com | DPO.Europe@tcs.com | US.Privacy@tcs.com | DPO.Brasil@tcs.com | DPO.LATAM@tcs.com | DPO.APAC@tcs.com | Mea.privacy@tcs.com |
Please refer to region specific privacy regulations below:
- EU/EIA: Click here
- US: Click here
- Canada: Click here
- Brazil: Click here for EnglishClick here for Portuguese
- Australia: Click here
- New Zealand: Click here
- APAC: Click here
- Argentina: Click here for EnglishClick here for Spanish
- Chile: Click here for EnglishClick here for Spanish
- Colombia: Click here for EnglishClick here for Spanish
- Ecuador: Click here for EnglishClick here for Spanish
- Mexico: Click here for EnglishClick here for Spanish
- Peru: Click here for EnglishClick here for Spanish
- Uruguay: Click here for EnglishClick here for Spanish
- Malaysia: Click here for Malay
- South Africa: Click here
- China: Click here for EnglishClick here for Mandarin
Changes to this privacy statement
We reserve the right to update this privacy notice at any time, and we will provide you with a new privacy notice when we make any substantial updates. We may also notify you in other ways from time to time about the processing of your personal data.